Istituto Europeo di Design was founded in 1966, product of the remarkable vision of Francesco Morelli. Today IED is the only Higher Education Institution in the creative field to have maintained a completely Italian identity over time.

IED Group is internationally recognized and it is located in 3 countries: in Italy in Milan, Cagliari, Florence, Rome, Turin and Accademia di Belle Arti Aldo Galli in Como; Barcelona, Madrid and Bilbao in Spain and Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo in Brazil.

Every year IED launches innovative training projects in the fields of Design, Fashion, Visual Arts and Communication, developing new forms of learning and designing new models for interpreting the future.According to this philosophy, IED assumes the identity of a research space, an open network, inclusive and active, able to teach and promote design culture for individuals and society, a place where the approach to design becomes a vehicle for social, cultural and economic transformation.

IED student training experience is based on the educational concept according to which knowledge and know-how must grow together. A simple and effective idea that distinguishes the entire educational path: training students by combining theory and practice, beginning with the knowledge brought to the classroom by industry professionals and by the research requirements of partner companies.

Today IED is committed to ensuring that its students will be the future new interpreters of the universal language of design, professionals able to decipher new complexities and, interacting with all disciplines, identify solutions to enhance the quality of human life. 

IED Madrid

Istituto Europeo di Design was founded in 1966, product of the remarkable vision of Francesco Morelli. Today IED is the only Higher Education Institution in the creative field to have maintained a completely Italian identity over time.

IED Group is internationally recognized and it is located in 3 countries: in Italy in Milan, Cagliari, Florence, Rome, Turin and Accademia di Belle Arti Aldo Galli in Como; Barcelona, Madrid and Bilbao in Spain and Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo in Brazil.

Every year IED launches innovative training projects in the fields of Design, Fashion, Visual Arts and Communication, developing new forms of learning and designing new models for interpreting the future.According to this philosophy, IED assumes the identity of a research space, an open network, inclusive and active, able to teach and promote design culture for individuals and society, a place where the approach to design becomes a vehicle for social, cultural and economic transformation.

IED student training experience is based on the educational concept according to which knowledge and know-how must grow together. A simple and effective idea that distinguishes the entire educational path: training students by combining theory and practice, beginning with the knowledge brought to the classroom by industry professionals and by the research requirements of partner companies.

Today IED is committed to ensuring that its students will be the future new interpreters of the universal language of design, professionals able to decipher new complexities and, interacting with all disciplines, identify solutions to enhance the quality of human life.